World most expensive yacht that is a mystery History Supreme

History Supreme 

Having a personal yacht is like a dream as out of billions of people only handful of people have that much wealth that they can afford a private yacht with the you also to have a sea dock to park you multi dollars yacht. Mostly people in western hemisphere or rich folks like middle easter tycoon have many yachts. 

In this we will talk about not a multi million but a multi billion dollars ships, that probably no one could ever imagine to built, with advance features like radars and computers to having a personal helipad for keeping a helicopter on the ship. Mostly it is full showoff of wealth with out of the world applications.

However, it become more mysterious when no one in the world has seen the ship like ghost ship that is rumored around the world.    

Cost $4.8 billion

History Supreme has never actually been seen in a major port, and rumors suggest that the yacht may not be real, and instead just a publicity stunt. Reportedly owned by Malaysia’s richest man, Robert Kuok, and designed by Stuart Hughes in the UK, the yacht is only a paltry 100 feet long. 

A lie or a truth 

the most expensive yacht in history is called the History Supreme. As near as I’ve been able to figure out, that’s not true. Not because the alleged $4.8 billion yacht wouldn’t be the most expensive – that’s far more than the next most expensive yacht. Instead, it’s not true because the History Supreme is not a real yacht. It doesn’t exist. But you wouldn’t know that from how the internet works.


Its worth is said to be derived from its lavish finishes, including a statue constructed from genuine Tyrannosaurus rex bones, a liquor bottle embedded with an 18.5-carat diamond, and a primary bedroom with one wall made from meteorite and another from a 24-carat gold Aquavista Panoramic Wall Aquarium. If you see it somewhere, let us know.

The big cost for the History Supreme was the solid gold and platinum. Hughes said he used 100,000 kg of precious metals to cover nearly every surface on the boat. The railings, the deck, the dining area, even the base of the boat was said to be wrapped in gold. Even the anchor was gold. And, for the record, 100,000 kg is about 220,000 pounds or 110 tons. Wow, right? Sounds like an amazing yacht.


People have assumed that the owner would be a man named Robert Kuok, the richest man in Malaysia. His fortune is around $14.5 billion. If he was indeed the man who purchased this boat, it means he spent one third of all of his money on it. That’s a lot of money to invest in a single boat. 

still it is not been conformed about the owner and the presence of this ship, furthermore having ship require more than a ship such as a personal captain, sea dock and space on sea. if you this post interesting so follow us and keep knowledge up to date. 

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